Interacción 2012

XIII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador

Submission deadline extended to April 30, 2012

Due to numerous requests to extend the submission deadline for the XIII International Conference Interacción Persona-Ordenador (INTERACCION 2012), we have decided to extend by 10 days the date of submission:


Submission deadline Extended to April 30, 2012
Author notification: June 4, 2012
Camera-ready papers due: June 25, 2012

We look forward to your participation in Interaction 2012!

19 de April de 2012

Proceedings of the conference will be published in the ACM Digital Library

The proceedings of the conference will be published in the ACM Digital Library as a volume in its International Conference Proceedings Series with ISBN.

ACM publisher   


14 de March de 2012

Website Interacción 2012

We are launching the website of Interaction 2012, the 13th International Conference in Human-Computer Interaction:

This edition will be held jointly the International Conference Interaccion 2012, that will be held at the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche (Spain), and the Wokshop MexIHC 2012, that will be held at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), México, D.F.

Welcome! Bienvenidos! Benvinguts!


3 de February de 2012